A moment from “Test Your Might.” Premiere — Cain Park, July 26, 2018.
On Friday, July 15 the 2.5 week Informal Showing celebrated the halfway mark of Inlet’s Summer Dance Intensive 2018. While some students traveled back home after that performance, the rest of the camp started work on preparing for the 18th year of Inlet’s FREE annual culminating concert at Cain Park Evans Amphitheater on July 26 at 8:00pm.
This concert features the students of the company’s Summer Dance Intensive, the Inlet Trainee & Apprentice Program, and the Inlet Company. Select company members will premiere new works on the students and the company will perform selections from its active repertory in this community favorite annual event.
Prior to the performance, the annual Friends of Inlet Twilight Reception will take place at 6:30pm in the colonnade where you will have a meet & greet with the choreographers, Exec/Artistic Director Bill Wade, participate in a champagne toast, and more. Tickets are $30 per person and can be reserved here!
This is going to be an unforgettable concert that you don’t want to miss. Bring your friends and family and enjoy what these students from all over the country and world have learned and accomplished over these 4.5 weeks.

“10” (One of the pieces of repertory that will be performed by the Inlet’s Katie McGaha and Kevin Parker at Cain Park, July 26, 2018.) Photo: Clark Scott
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