We are excited to announce that we will need all the help we can get once we start our moving process. That’s right! Inlet has found a new home. We will be relocating to the west side of Cleveland in the 2018-2019 season. Our rehearsal studios, offices, and much more will all be in one amazing new building! We will be releasing information soon, so stay tuned!

Inlet dancers after a walk-through of the new space!

Inlet’s Kevin Parker and Katie McGaha performing “10” at the Friendraiser, Apr. 20.
Inlet is truly grateful for the supportive family, friends, fans, donors, & community partners that keep us going! Last Friday night, Apr. 20, we invited all to our annual “Friendraiser” held at The Music Settlement. Inlet’s 17th season has already been quite an exciting one, with so much more just around the corner! Last month, the company premiered the long anticipated What Do You With An Idea? at Playhouse Square to rave reviews. We invited friends ofInlet to an informal showing and reception to hear more about this current season and the many new things on Inlet’s horizon. In addition, the Friendraiser serves as a way for knew friends to learn how they can get involved with the company. We are always looking for volunteers to assist us with receptions, events, donations, subcommittee’s, etc. If you missed the Friendraiser, but are still interested in volunteer opportunities and getting an inside look into the company, please fill out our online Friend Raiser survey: You can also call 216-721-8580 or email
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