Believe it or not, 2017 is already coming to an end. But, Inlet still has several exciting things happening in the next two months that we need to share with you! Here’s where you can see Inlet next:

Inlet Trainee & Apprentice Program performing “Motherless Child” in February 2017.
On November 28 at 7:45pm, the Inlet Trainee & Apprentice Program will perform at the Nehemiah Mission of Cleveland. Bread on Bridge is a gathering every Tuesday night at Nehemiah Mission where folks from all over come for homemade bread and soup, have a discussion group, and then see a performance that varies from musicians, poetry, vocalists, etc. On Nov. 28, the Inlet Trainee & Apprentice Program will be the performative aspect showing a 30-minute concert. This is the 2nd year Inlet has performed for this life-giving evening!

Inlet’s Kevin Parker performing in Cleveland Museum of Art’s Lantern Festival.
On December 3, both the Inlet Trainee & Apprentice Program and the Inlet Company Members will be involved with The Music Settlement’s Annual Holiday CircleFest and Cleveland Museum of Art’s Annual Lantern Festival. For more information, click the links above. Both of these events are FREE and open to the public. Don’t miss this beautiful day of celebration!
December 18 & 19 Inlet will be holding Winter Auditions for Trainee, Protegé, Apprentice, and Company B positions. Inlet employs a “get to know you” approach to auditions. There is no need to prepare a solo for the audition, you will be provided with links to selected Inlet repertory to learn prior to arrival. Inlet Company Members will lead you through the various components of the audition. Attendance to both days in mandatory. To register for the audition, email your resume, head shot, and fully body shot to and you will be provided with the Inlet Dance Theatre Audition Application to complete. Applicants must be 18 y/o and a high school graduate (or equivalent) prior to the start of the season in September 2018.

“Snow” at Cleveland Public Theatre’s Dance Works’ Series 2016.
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